Using VLANs with Edge Devices

Using VLANs with Edge Devices


All Big Network Edge Devices (Edge Lite, Edge Pro, IRG, and Edge Virtual) have VLAN support for WAN and LAN interfaces. This article provides a guide for creating, managing, and deleting VLANs.

Creating a VLAN subinterface:

To create a VLAN subinterface on a port, navigate to your Edge Device:
  1. Click "Edit" on the Device.
  2. Navigate to the "Interfaces" tab.
  3. Click "Add Subinterface" on the top right corner of the screen.
  4. A dialog will load, allowing you to specify the Physical Port, VLAN Tag ID, Interface Type, and Description.
  5. Click "Confirm"
  6. You may configure all other properties for this subinterface like any other physical port from here on.
  7. Once configured, remember to deploy the configuration using the "changes" icon on the top right.

Deleting a VLAN subinterface:

To delete a VLAN subinterface, navigate to your Edge Device:
  1. Click "Edit" on the Device.
  2. Navigate to the "Interfaces" tab.
  3. Use the red trashcan icon to delete subinterfaces.
  4. You may configure all other properties for this subinterface like any other physical port from here on.
  5. Once configured, remember to deploy the configuration using the "changes" icon on the top right.

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