Using Big Network's API: A Guide

Using Big Network's API: A Guide


Big Network provides a REST API for developers to program Cloud Networks and Edge Devices in their own applications and automation frameworks. This article will guide you through the process of making API requests and provide some helpful tips for getting the most out of Big Network's API.

API Key Management

Big Network supports full API Key lifecycle management via our Portal.

Obtaining an API Key

Before making any API requests, you need to obtain an API key from Big Network. To get an API key, navigate to the Big Network Portal at
  1. Navigate to the Organization for which you are seeking API access.
  2. Go to Organization -> API.
  3. Click on "Generate" to generate your API Key.
  4. Store your API Key in a secure location. Do not share your API key.

Rotating an API Key

Once you have generated an API Key, you can rotate the API Key (if lost, stolen, or compromised) by using the "Generate New API Key" button.

Revoking an API Key

Once you have generated an API Key, you can revoke the API Key (if lost, stolen, compromised, or you simply no longer with to use the API) by using the "Remove Access" button.

Scope of API Keys

The same permissions apply to generated API key as you have on the current account you used to generate it. Changing your account permissions by organization administrators will result in change of this key permissions. API Keys are unique to the intersection of a user paired with an organization.

Making API Requests

Big Network's API is a RESTful API and supports multiple request types (GET, POST, PATCH, DELETE). The API uses HTTP status codes to indicate success or failure of a request, with a 2xx status code indicating a successful request and a 4xx or 5xx status code indicating an error.
The server URL for all API requests is Requests to the API require the following components:
  1. API Key Header: Include the following header to every request in order to authenticate and authorize: "api-key: << generated key >>"
  2. Endpoint: the specific endpoint you are trying to access (e.g. /v1/organizations, /v1/organization/{orgID}/networks, /v1/organization/{orgID}/edge-devices/, etc.)
  3. Query parameters: any additional parameters you want to pass in your request (e.g. search terms, date range)

API Specification

For information on how to use Big Network's API, including information on available endpoints, query parameters, and response formats, please refer to the Big Network OpenAPI Specification at

Rate Limiting

Big Network's API has rate limiting in place to prevent excessive usage and ensure the stability of its systems. If you exceed the rate limit, your API key may be temporarily suspended.

Error Handling

In the event of an error, the API will return a 4xx or 5xx HTTP status code, along with a descriptive error message. It is important to handle these errors in your code to ensure a smooth user experience.

Prototyping and Testing API Requests

To help familiarize yourself with API, you can send requests directly from Simply click on the "Authorize" button, insert your api-key and then use "Try it out" button on each request.

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